Indiana state legislators have announced their intention to introduce online casino gambling

Jon Ford, a Republican member of the Indiana State Senate representing District 30 since 2014, has revealed that his office is already working on language for a proposal to see up to 39 online casino licenses granted in the state.

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The 47-year-old legislator from Terre Haute plans to present this iGaming legislation early next year; however, due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis, this timeline may be postponed until 2022.

Ford told Gonjcasinos that prioritizing essential matters such as the state’s budget could result in any consideration of his measure being pushed back into next year.

Ford’s legislation proposes to manage Indiana’s online casino gambling sector similarly to its legalized sports betting industry, with all 13 casinos and racinos being granted the chance to operate up to three different iGaming skins supervised by the Indiana Gaming Commission.

The state passed $1 billion in total sports betting handle last month. Ford’s bill is expected to include the same types of entertainment available to distant players in Michigan, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

Online poker is unlikely to be included as legislators must quickly become familiar with extensive information.

Ford believes that Indiana’s success with sports betting, coupled with the recent legalization of online casino gambling in Michigan, could incentivize his fellow lawmakers to support his upcoming iGaming measure.

He noted that a younger demographic does not visit brick-and-mortar casinos but is still gambling online, and bringing them into a regulated market could allow casinos to market to them and acquire their business. Furthermore, this could provide an alternative way for Indiana’s casinos to remain competitive.

joyce tyler
Article by Joyce Tyler
Joyce is an experienced content creator and iGaming industry veteran. She has more than 8 years of experience in the field, and for the last 3 years, she's been focused on creating content for the online casino industry. Joyce is also an aspiring game reviewer, with a particular passion for classic table games like blackjack and baccarat. She likes finding new ways to make these games interesting and fun for our readers.
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